





This is good criticism, but I promise all of this was carefully considered.
First, to the notion that this was just the easiest way, that’s not quite true. W&re working on new characters anyway. Adding this to a new character’s lore instead of David’s is no more or less work; at the end of the day, new characters are still in the works.
(I know you haven’t mentioned this, but I have seen other people point it out) I just want to make it clear that we’re not rewriting a character’s lore. I will not go into details on what exactly happens in this upcoming tome (you’ll just have to find out for yourself;)), but we are not ignoring the past. People often learn things about themselves as time goes on.
That said, we did carefully consider our options, and there are ups and downs for both existing and new characters. For starters, new characters tend not to release with a lot of lore. Typically they’ll have a short story that highlights their talents and personality, giving some insight into what they’re good at and what kind of perks (or powers, for Killers) they’ll have. Trying to shoehorn their sexuality into their lore would likely come across as very forced, and tokenism is one thing we absolutely wanted to avoid. It was important to us to make sure the first character- whoever they were- could stand on their own with fully fleshed out lore rather than focusing entirely on their sexuality. It’s a part of who he is, but he is David King first and foremost. Even for a new character, odds are we would have preferred to build up their lore a bit before confirming anything (which in the end, leaves it feeling like a retcon anyway).
We worked with GaymerX to tell a story that fit with our existing characters’ lore, and after many discussions, we all agreed that David King would be the best fit. I won’t spill the beans just yet, but hopefully you’ll find that his story in the tome does this justice.
On a personal level, I also wouldn’t be too crazy about the first confirmed gay character being locked behind a DLC paywall. There’s a lot of distrust, and rightfully so, with companies promoting pride for a profit, and I’m glad that’s something we’ve always steered clear of. This is a subject that hits close to home for a lot of us and I’m grateful that it was handled with care.
All that aside, a new original LGBTQ+ character in the future is totally possible, and we absolutely are not ruling that out. Representation was long overdue and we wanted to make sure the first confirmed character was handled properly. Now that we’ve broken the ice, it’ll be a lot easier to approach these subjects up front and/or in more subtle ways.




















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